The Conjuring 2

The Conjuring 2
Image: Robert Cavallucci MP is Queensland's Assistant Immigration Minister

The Conjuring 2 has real life paranormal investigators Ed (Patrick Wilson) and Lorrain Warren (Vera Farmiga) return to the big screen with another of the “true stories” which brought them to prominence in the 1970’s.

After investigating the infamous Amityville, the Warren’s became the leading figures in the field and as such were the highest on the list when across the pond in London a family is tormented by something unseen.

The Enfield Poltergeist, as it has come to be known, is one of Britain’s most famous cases, which saw single mother Peggy Hodgson (Frances O’Conner) and her four children, in particular daughter Janet (Madison Wolfe) tormented. The terror slowly builds throughout the film, beginning with simple sleep walking before progressing to sounds in the dark of night and ultimately escalating to the full possession of Janet, which as my girlfriend said will have you “never looking at nuns the same”.

On a technical level Wan’s direction and camera work is brilliant at building dread through movement and what it does, or doesn’t, show. Jump scares are few and far between which makes them quite impactful when they are employed.

Overall this is a nice haunted house flick, although it does somewhat overstay it’s welcome at a lengthy 133 minutes.


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