What About Sal? – REVIEW

What About Sal? – REVIEW
Image: Gerard O'Dwyer in WHAT ABOUT SAL? film still

Every parent of Down Syndrome children must wonder, what happens to my child when I die?

If there is no family willing to take the responsibility to look after these people, will they be sent to live in a group house?

This is the story of Sal (Gerard O’Dwyer), a Down Syndrome man who is living with his mother Sophie (Kaarin Fairfax). When he’s told that she’s dying from an aggressive form of lung cancer he decides to go in search of his father, a man his mother had a one-night stand with 35 years earlier.

Can his journey to find his father prove fruitful? If Sal does manage to locate him, will he stand up and accept responsibility? And if so, will it transpire into a long lasting and loving father and son relationship?

John Jarrett in WHAT ABOUT SAL? film still

The odds are against Sal, with the passage of time and the fact that his father was a booze loving musician who performed in a rock band in shady Kings Cross.

What transpires is a poignant and at times heart wrenching story about a Down Syndrome man who is desperate for affection and love from a man whom he has never met, a man who is basically a stranger – his father.

Aussie screen icon John Jarrett wrote, directed, and also stars in this movie as Tommy, the man Sal is searching for. Jarrett predictably delivers a remarkable performance as the alcoholic who attempts to redeem himself by connecting with his son and attending AA meetings.

WHAT ABOUT SAL? film still

Sal and Sophie have a beautiful son and mother relationship and Kaarin Fairfax’s emotionally charged portrayal of Sophie should ensure that there isn’t a dry eye in the house.

But all performances are overshadowed by Gerard O’Dwyer, the award-winning Down Syndrome actor who has also had extensive work in the film industry as a writer and producer. Audiences should be spellbound by the powerful performance Jarrett has extracted from this fine actor.

Audiences will laugh and cry at what emerges in this small Aussie tear jerker which can be described as a labour of love. The passion of everyone involved in this movie filters through each frame. Jarrett has written a script that consists of just the right amount of emotional intensity. Themes of substance abuse and the inadequate rights given to Down Syndrome people also resonate throughout.

Filmed in the surrounds of Sydney and boasting a soundtrack with many atmospheric songs, this is a movie that should receive much accolade.

However, this inspiring and endearing minor gem seems to have been ushered out of the cinema as quickly as it arrived.

John Jarrett is one of many filmmakers who is attempting to keep the Australian film industry alive. There are endless Aussie stories that need to be told and support from moviegoers is vital.

Watch What About Sal? when it reaches streaming services and you’ll be surprised. It’s a feel-good movie that will remain close to your heart forever and your faith in Australian cinema will be reaffirmed.





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