Quite Frankly (web series)

Quite Frankly (web series)
Image: Ben Grill paints his lion at Tropical Fruits Rainbow Circus

Highly offensive, cringe-worthy, and poorly acted. Quite Frankly is the story of a young man from New Zealand, who makes a move across the ditch to Sydney, whilst his friends relentlessly bully him into ‘coming out’.

The series aligns being gay with a mental illness, and once Frank realises he is actually gay, he claims it to just be extra baggage in his life. This is dangerous for today’s youth, with suicide rates amongst GLBTIQ identifying teens being six times that of heterosexual teens.

To add to insult, Quite Frankly uses a number of offensive references to GLBTIQ culture and sexual behaviours to try and get a laugh. Maybe it was the lacklustre acting, maybe it was the poor attempt at humour, it could possibly have been the high school style bullying of his ‘friends’ who were so concerned with making sure everybody knew their friend was gay – but I found myself cringing, wondering how long was left in each episode so that I could stop watching such tripe. (CR)


Make up your own mind at: quitefranklyseries.com



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