Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt

This biographical drama set between 1961-1964 revolves around German philosopher Hannah Arendt, who covered the trial of Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann in Jerusalem for The New Yorker publication.

Arendt was Jewish and her misconstrued and “scandalous” ideologies created worldwide controversy, labelling her a Nazi sympathiser and traitor to her own race.

Actress Barbara Sukowa brilliantly portrays the complex and compelling Hannah Arendt, recreating her icy arrogance and hidden vulnerabilities. Original black and white footage of the trial containing disturbing testimonies from survivors is skillfully edited into the film, increasing the intensity, and it chillingly restores Eichmann to life.

Spoken in English and German, Hannah Arendt effectively revisits the darkest legal case in history as Eichmann incredibly takes no responsibility for orchestrating the mass murder of Jews, claiming he was “simply doing his job”. (MM)

*** 1/2

Limited release. Dendy Opera Quays.

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