Only a versatile actress of Meryl Streep’s calibre could successfully portray 1940’s New York socialite Florence Foster Jenkins, a unique lady who would rather have starved than gone without Beethoven. She also pondered the pleasure derived from enchanting audiences through singing.

Attempting to realize her dream, she hired a singing coach and piano accompanist. The voice she heard in her mind was exquisite and proclaimed other singers her age were on the decline while she seemed to improve, but was justifiably labelled “the worst goddam singer in the world”.

Based on a true story, this is an extremely funny film and the laughs abound as Jenkins inadvertently humours audiences through her lack of vocal prowess. Much credit must also be given to the support cast who provide much hilarity playing outlandish characters. Comedic genius Simon Helberg (The Big Bang Theory) is a barrel-of-laughs as the piano accompanist, seemingly the only person who recognises Jenkin’s genuine lack of talent.

Inspiring and cleverly written, audiences will deliberate whether Jenkins was delusional. People at the time said she couldn’t sing – but more importantly, they couldn’t say that she didn’t sing. (MMo)


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