Image: Super Wild Horses

There is something sublime and simple about a brand new (old) record, the grooves of the vinyl, the unpolished, soulful sounds of collectable classics.

Fans can give a multitude of reasons as to why this much-loved medium hasn’t faded away like so many others, why it hasn’t been jostled out with the constant development of new technologies. Sometimes an album just has to be heard on vinyl to fully appreciate the nuances that mixing and editing scrub away.

The industrial former railway yard at Carriageworks is the perfect setting to worship all things vintage vinyl with the At First Sight music festival and record fair.

Carriageworks and FBi Radio are teaming up to give record lovers a full day of cutting edge live bands, DJs and record sellers. It is for everyone who is passionate about music, or has ever fallen in love with any band, anywhere “at first sight”.

“This is obviously a time of great change in the music industry. Live venues continue to close and yet there is no shortage of bands creating great music. At the same time, while independent record stores come under increasing threat against downloading, bands everywhere are now making it a priority to release their music on vinyl,” says Curator Marty Doyle.

“People are experimenting with new and interesting ways to make, record and release music, more than ever. There is no longer a standard template for people to use.”

At First Sight will encourage the continued resurgence of the mighty record and give fans a chance to see acclaimed artists like Super Wild Horses, Twerps, The Laurels and many, many more in the one day at one big celebration of music.

With record crowds expected for this record festival, vinyl isn’t going anywhere. (LL)

Jul 20, Carriageworks, 245 Wilson St, Redfern, $35 (record fair free),

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