Image: Benita de Wit, James Buckingham, Nicole Wineberg, Aimee Timmins, photo by Jeremy Yao

It’s beginning to feel a lot like Christmas and the good people behind THE PURSUIT: Three Short Plays have found the perfect way to celebrate. Audiences who want their dose of theatre decorated with yuletide will be treated to 12 acts, eight performers, five writers, one intimate theatre venue and all the booze their wallets can pay for.

I caught up with theatre director Benita De Wit whose Christmas wish is to bring together Sydney’s top writers and actors in a fanciful hour of fun.

“[It’s] people putting their heads in and having a crack,” she explains. “We have a diverse range of people. Everyone gets along really well and there’s great chemistry in the room.”

You can also expect singing, dancing and comedy sketches filled with pop culture and news references in what promises to be Sydney’s most wacky Christmas variety show.

“It’s going to feel like a boozy family backyard Christmas,” she continues. “It’s the kind of thing where you grab a couple of mates, have a few drinks and go along and have a good laugh. It’s a really silly show.”

Dec 19-23, Tap Gallery, 278 Palmer St, Darlinghurst, $19-24, 93610440,



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