It’s hard to forget this United States-bred, Sydney-based comedian’s long locks, trigger-twitchy stare and laconic drawl, which you’ve no doubt spied during guest spots on the likes of Good News Week and Spicks n Specks. In his new show, Drop Off and Pick Up, for one night only at the Sydney Comedy Festival, he’ll make sure you remember a few more things about him besides …

Hey Tommy! Howdy to you!

You’re a regular on the set of Q&A The secret that could ruin the show is … everybody mostly gets along quite nicely back stage! On set there can be some fierce debates and angry words, but not unlike the Sam and Ralph show (the sheep dog and coyote cartoon). Mostly they are all very smart, dedicated people who are playing their part in the game of politics. All news is comedy ready … the question is never about if funny can be had, the only concern is if the people are ready to hear it ;)

As an American living in Australia, is there anything that still surprises you day-to-day? Yes. I am oft surprised. But that is more a condition of life than anything else. I would like to think I would find wounder and surprise anywhere I happen to be.

Your show mentions a gun-toting father in Arizona … It would only be odd if he WASN’T toting! We are a second Amendment loving family! (I might now add that I am pleased to set aside my gun training here).

On a documentary I saw recently, stand-up comedy was named the profession with the biggest percentile of high IQs. Thoughts? Sounds about right. But then again, if it IS true, I have seen a lot of really smart people do and say some amazingly stupid stuff!

Can you describe the moment for us when you realised your life calling was comedy? There is no road to Damascus moment. More like a frog being boiled. One day you realize you are in the soup and it is too late to jump out.

You’re up there with some pretty big names on the Sydney Comedy Festival posters. Are there any shows you’ll be sneaking off to see during the festival? I am fond of most of those names. Comedy is a “family” business, and those folk are my fam, weird uncles and all! I am hoping to see as many as possible, but kids will make that difficult. DeAnne Smith would be top of my list though. Glenn Wool as well. In fact I think I have a Canada crush thing happening ;)

May 4, 7.30pm, Factory Theatre, 105 Victoria Rd, Marrickville, $25.90-29.90,


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