In the Story of a Rabbit, Hugh Hughes jumps between two separate encounters with death. In 1995 Hugh, played by Welsh actor, Shon Dale-Jones first came face to face with death when a neighbour asked him to watch after her childrens’ rabbit, only to have the neighbour’s pet die under his watch.  Hughes’ comic narrative of trying to shove a dead bunny into a garbage bag is interposed with a philosophical discussion of life, death and the theatre. The second time Hughes encountered death was five years later in 2000, when his father died in a church in the north of Wales. The hyperbolic weaving between two different terminal tales is juxtaposed with audience interactions, random cups of tea for two lucky people in the theatre and a free badge at the end of the evening. Rest assured you will never have another night at the theatre quite like this.

Until Dec 10, Playhouse, Sydney Opera House, $29-35, 9250 7777,

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