Neil Armfield’s highly acclaimed production sheds new light on the story of Billy Budd, based on Herman Melville’s novella.

Foretopman Billy is press-ganged into service on the Indomitable, where he unknowingly faces the sadistic Claggart, Master-at-Arms, who is determined to bring him down. ‘Starry’ Captain Vere is the adjudicator who attempts to discern between good and evil when events sail into murky moral waters.

The personal tragedy of Vere’s psychology is at the centre of this drama. Vere’s inner torment is delicately conveyed in Philip Langridge’s timbre, particularly in the final scene.

Sexual overtones dominate Armfield’s production. Teddy Tahu Rhodes’s youthful voice and athletecism cast Billy as an animalistic innocent, while John Wegner’s Claggart exudes homoeroticism.

The visual impact of this production is magnificent. Brian Thomson’s large hydraulic ramp embodies the physical and psychological action. With Nigel Leving’s lighting, this set transforms the controversial ‘silent scene’ at the crux of the plot into an abstract masterpiece.

Richard Hickox expertly interprets the complex musical lines with a profound sensitivity, which will satisfy aficionados while remaining accessible to newer recruits.

Billy Budd’s ambiguous meaning lends itself to adaptation through new forms and audiences, and Armfield and Hickox’s creation is both energetic and enlightening.

Billy Budd
Until October 16
Sydney Opera Theatre
Tickets: $67-$246, 9250 7777 or www.sydneyoperahouse.com


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