The latest rock musical to hit Australia is based on the life and music of Buddy Holly. Now in its 19th year, Buddy has toured all over the world and won numerous awards. This particular production, unfortunately, fails to take advantage of this experience, and instead emphasises potential faults.

Admittedly, the early stage of this musical is a challenge: the first scenes are extremely short, and the plotline proceeds sketchily. Most of the early musical arrangements rely only on a basic four-piece band on stage, which results in a thin sound. It would take an extremely creative director to overcome these difficulties, and unfortunately Craig Illot fails to live up to expectations. Similarly, the 22-year-old Scott Cameron never quite manages to convince as Buddy himself.

There are some redeeming qualities. The on-stage musicians play solidly while maintaining a great feel for the music, and Cameron’s guitar playing expresses much of what his acting is unable to. The music is, after all, why the audience is here. Unfortunately, audience enthusiasm and Holly’s incredible music is not nearly enough to make up for this lack-lustre production that seems to entirely miss the point and the feeling of rock and roll.

Lyric Theatre, Star City. $39.90-$89.90, 1300 795 267 or


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