The relationship between performer and manager can be rife with tension. So when the world’s most popular children’s band, The Giggles, discover their manager backstage with a knife in his back, these kiddie musos find themselves accused of murder. I caught up with the lovely Jasmin Certoma who plays band member Jade, a defiant Greenpeace activist. “It’s like putting the board game Cluedo onstage and making it a comedy,” she explains. Certoma has gone from performing Shakespeare in London’s West End to immersing herself in The Wiggles and Hi-5 as research and is absolutely loving it. “I’m having a ball. I’d compare the humour to the Three Stooges or Marx Brothers,” she continues. “It’s slapstick and light comedy and allows you to be as silly as you can which is so much fun. We can’t stop belly laughing at each other.” Written by prolific playwright Tony Laumberg, this comedy mystery was inspired by Agatha Christie and, like all good Christie novels, you’ll never guess who dunnit.

Aug 16-Sep 9, Tap Gallery, 278 Palmer Street, Darlinghurst, $20-30, 1300 306 776,  

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