Prepare to experience the underworld during its most ruthless era, where prostitution rules, illegal alcohol is monopolized by the powerful and grog shops are seedy and discreet. Get ready to travel back in time to 1920s Sydney. Vashti Hughes’ one-woman show is set to be more than entertainment. It’s an entire audience singing along, dressed from head-to-toe in 1920s gear (for a cheaper entry fee!). It’s a raw depiction of the tragic world of organised crime with a dark comedic musical twist, and Hughes is set to drop jaws in the spotlight.

“We’ve created this whole world for people to be apart of those over-the-top grog shops or clubs – it’s like a whole time capsule,” she explains. “It’s comic but also quite tragic. The characters have this frightening ruthlessness about them. But it’s also nice getting the audience to sing along and dress up in costume. People really embraced it when we last performed. It’s such a fascinating area, and people are always interested in their own history.” And to keep the audience involved, everyone is invited to drinks and a dance with the team on the rooftop bar of Kings Cross Hotel after the show. Get dressed.

Sundays from Aug 12, The Bordello Theatre, Kings Cross Hotel, cnr King St & William St, $20-30,


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