Falling Woman

Falling Woman

Life is a journey where we are presented with challenges and tests to find ourselves.

Performance Space’s new production Falling Woman is an evocative physical theatre piece that incorporates movement, video and text to explore this concept.

Alice Osborne, writer and performer of the production, says that it is an exploration into the destructive patterns of life. “It’s a quest following one woman who is stuck in a rut in her life,” says Osborne. “She comes across this magical character called ‘The Witness’ who takes her on a journey to change her life.”

Featuring video sequences of beautiful rural New South Wales, as well as poetry and dance, the production aims to connect with audiences on many different levels.

“We’re trying to take them on a journey that affects their mind and instincts, their senses and nervous system instead of just rational logic thought,” Osborne explains.

This hybrid production is an interesting and dynamic piece that portrays the real and surreal of life. (SOC)

Nov 26-29, $25-35, Carriageworks, 245 Wilson St, Eveleigh, performancespace.com.au

Written by Shauna O’Carroll

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