In this brand new work by Belvoir St and Lucy Guerin Inc., Conversation Piece is taking the unscripted theatre experience to challenging and fascinating heights. The actors and dancers who will be working together on stage are put both under the spotlight and on the spot “in an exploration of these two different forms and how they connect to each other,” explains director and choreographer Lucy Guerin. “There is something fascinating about hearing people talking about the ordinary things they are grappling with, without it being mediated by a writer or transformed into a script.”

Audiences are guaranteed a unique show every night that is full of intriguing spontaneity. The play begins with a ten-minute conversation. “This sets up a sense of immediacy with the rest of the show evolving from the threads created,” Guerin explains. With underlying subtext of inclusion and isolation, the performance focuses on the subtleties and complexities of how our minds work while engaged in the mundane. “There is a real discussion on the difference between how movement communicates and how text does.” The performances are not only set to be humorous, but also a deeper depiction of the wonders and trappings of modern communication.

Written by Ivona Budys

Aug 25-Sep 16, Belvoir Street Theatre, 25 Belvoir Street, Surry Hills, $42-62, 9699 3444,

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