Celebrity Autobiography takes the unintentionally funny moments from famous peoples’ real-life stories and presents them verbatim.

“It’s a brilliant idea. It’s been playing in America for a couple of years now and it’s amazing what celebrities will write in their own autobiographies – how embarrassing and hawkish and self-aggrandising they can be,” says Mikey Robins who will feature in the Australian debut.

Richard Wilkins, William Shatner, Bert Reynolds, Ricky Martin, Stephen Fry, Debbie Reynolds, Carol Channing, Steve Irwin and Justin Bieber, are just some of A-list autobiographies quoted in the piece.  “William Shatner describing his scrotum, that’s the first thing I do,” says Robins.

“What is funny about the writing is that they didn’t mean it to be funny,” says Robins.

“We’re not doing Chekhov here,” says Robins. “Daniel McPherson is reading from the Eminem biography. It’s a piss-take on celebrity culture using their own words against them.”

The production features some Aussie household names including: Robins, Georgie Parker, Daniel Macpherson, Jeremy Sims, James O’Loghlin and Fiona O’Loughlin.

Directed by Wayne Harrison, this humorous view into celebrity culture will no-doubt have audiences in hysterics.

Dec 28-Jan 29, Sydney Opera House, $64-69, 9250 7777, sydneyoperahouse.com

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