Carriageworks on track for Sydney WorldPride

Over 17 days in February and March, Sydney WorldPride 2023 will take the city’s arts and events into hyperdrive, with no better place to immerse yourself into queer arts and culture than Carriageworks, Australia’s largest multi-disciplinary arts precinct.
Getting an early start for Pride, internationally acclaimed performance artists The Huxleys have already opened Bloodlines, their tribute to gay art icons such as Keith Haring, Leigh Bowery, Robert Mapplethorpe and Sylvester, which will run until 5 March.

Two breakout sessions on 14 January and 25 February will see the artists host Stitch and Bitch, where attendees can contribute to a new quilt panel commemorating those who have passed due to HIV/AIDS.
During the January session The Huxleys will be joined by William Yang, Australia’s leading gay photographer, historian and story teller, with the February contributor yet to be confirmed.

A contemporary artist who works with banners, quilts and large scale installations, Paul Yore is also off to an early start with Word Made Flesh that will show until 26 February.
The show is structured around five purpose built spaces with exhibits that articulate Yore’s textile and work alongside makeshift structures, video, sound, light and architecturally-scaled installations.
Word Made Flesh is in partnership with the Australian Centre for Contemporary Art.

Shake your booty and anything else from 12.00pm Saturday, 18th February to 12pm, Sunday 19th, when Betty Grumble and DJ HipHopHo will be hosting 24 Hour Grumble Boogie; or you can pop over and check out The Pleasure Arc, a 24 hour celebration of queer art, ceremonies and party.
Over six days from February 23, Sydney WorldPride at Carriageworks’ train sheds will be hosting Marri Madung Batbut, a First Nations gathering space featuring free exhibitions, theatre, dining and drag, culminating in the crowning of Miss First Nations: Supreme Queen and Koori Gras.

Another highlight of the Carriageworks program will be the Ailan Songs Project, a collaboration from Jessie Lloyd and her band with the people Torres Strait, PNG and the Coral Sea as they explore ancient songs mixed with island reggae grooves.
Catch this not to be missed show at 4.30pm Sunday 26 February.

Guaranteed to offend all comers from 26-28 February is Carly Sheppard and Kamarra Bell-Wykes’ Chase, a collision between Muriel’s Wedding and Kath and Kim that promises to be the most over the top version of a character that has been 10 years in development and performance.
These are just some of the Sydney WorldPride events featuring at Carriageworks, but also don’t forget that the regular Carriageworks Farmers’ Market will be on every Saturday throughout the celebrations.