Slam. It’s a fairly violent verb. But when teamed with the flowery noun poetry, it takes on a whole new meaning. The Caravan Poetry Slam brings together around 20 local poets, a panel of judges, and a room full of what they hope to be, “open hearts instead of roses, open minds instead of rotten tomatoes.” Anyone can sign up and sacrifice their three-minute slam to the open space. Each poem will be scored and then the top four poets compete in a finalist round to decide the winner. Interactivity is integral, with other elements of ‘Emergency Art’ integrated into the night in the form of written confessionals and ‘coughed up’ soapbox-style Emergency Slams. And don’t think it lets up for a second – during the interval you will be treated to the Damp Vamp stylings of girl band Burning Man. This will be the most fun you’ve had in a mobile travelling unit in a long time. (AB)

Jul 27, 7pm, Caravan, 5 Handley St, Marrickville, free,


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