Tony is a workaholic who puts in 25 hours a day, eight days a week for his employer, the United Synergies Corporation (USC). They’ve doubled his output by splitting him into body and soul. Can his jaded soul persuade his ex-lover who is also the new USC profit commander to escape this 25/8 corporate reality?

“What we are programmed to believe is to get the most out of life means to have more, rather than enjoy what you have. The struggle is when we try to have everything but don’t enjoy anything,” explains director Ira Hal Seidenstein.

The black comedy is the third time Seidenstein has teamed up with writer Valentino Musico (Meat Pies & Mortadella and Shopping Centres & Gutters). “I like that [Valentino] has a totally unique voice and is writing about current elements in Sydney society but it’s also a global existence,” he explains. “His writing is a cross between Leonard Cohen and Gertrude Stein. The language has an odd kind of poetry.”

“It’s going to be very funny but self-reflective,” he continues. “We live in this beautiful city and we are encouraged to get more. The real deal is to enjoy whatever it is we’ve got.”

Dec 11-22, Tap Gallery, 278 Palmer St, Darlinghurst, $20-25, 93610440, trybooking.com 

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