Nathan (Asa Butterfield) is unique. But whilst his skills with numbers are of Olympic proportion, his skills in human relationships are non-league. Diagnosed with a mild autism and suffering the loss of someone close, he is unable to express even the slightest affection, preferring to interpret the world in terms of mathematics. But when he is introduced to unconventional teacher Mr. Humphreys (Rafe Spall) a friendship develops and lessons other than maths are learned. Soon he discovers there is such a thing as the International Mathematics Olympiad and he sets his sights on representing the United Kingdom. Leaving home for the first time and traveling to Taipei with other young prodigies hopeful of a place, he struggles to overcome his issues with the help of new friend and Chinese competitor, Zhang Mei (Jo Yang). Director Morgan Matthews perfects the art of creating a heartwarming tale without straying into over-sentimentality.
4 Stars
Release Date: 9th April
Craig Coventry

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