Ladytron – Velocifero

Ladytron – Velocifero

Velocifero – Ladytron

by Aidan Roberts

Something in the air about this release reminds this reviewer of the similarly-hyped competitor this season, Apocalypso from The Presets; the razor-edged analogue synthesisers, the new-wave swoon of the vocals, the reek of the 1980’s electro underworld, brought back to life with vivacity and an expanded colour palette. Having a reputation as an act of unabashed fun and synthetic virtuosity, Ladytron have returned with an album that both reinforces their decidedly retro approach and extends its effect to create fresh sounds and vibes. Hear the pumping opener Black Cat, like a hyper-wired New Order with its instrumental march, and affecting single Ghosts, like a melodicised Dr. Who, chants plaintively “There’s a ghost inside me… who wants to say sorry.” The whole album progresses through very textured fun landscapes, and Ladytron have steered down a darker science-fiction-tinged path, laden with their brand of robotic mythology. It all sounds pretty good, and it is – even if slightly devoid of a sense of humanity. Sometimes that’s a nice thing.


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