What better way to embrace the silly season than with an improv night? King Street Theatre and Ferknerkle Productions have got a comedy show with a twist. Take six actors, add in some drama and a big dollop of social media and Tweatre is born.

It’s an innovative new approach to stand-up that eliminates the need for audiences to scream out to the stage. Instead, punters are asked to tweet in scenarios and potential scenes.

“A disadvantage with calling out is that it is hectic, hard to hear and messy. It’s nice and clean if people are tweeting it,” says actor and producer Brenton Amies.

He describes the show as unpredictable fun. “We walk the line between doing comedy and drama. So you’re going to see a balance of things – not just a comedy show or heavy dramatic play.”

Tweatre has gone to the Sydney Fringe, Adelaide Fringe, Old 505 theatre and Friend in Hand in Glebe. Audiences should beware: like twitter, Tweatre is turning out to be addictive.

“People who have seen the show are coming back,” he explains. “We’ve been doing one show a month and you walk into the foyer afterwards and see the same people which is nice.”

Dec 22, King St Theatre (formerly known as Newtown Theatre), cnr King & Bray Sts, Newtown, $20-25, 0423 082 015,

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