Tricia Taylor – Capturing The Light

Tricia Taylor – Capturing The Light

The beauty and power of Sydney’s coastline has been captured on canvas by master pastel artist Tricia Taylor, and will this weekend be displayed in a gallery located adjacent to Sydney’s most iconic beach.

With the inspiration of painting en plein air, meaning in the outdoors, Tricia has captured the light along the coastline from Coogee to the Heads and beyond. Taylor’s plein air artworks and her studio pieces will be on display side by side so you will see the development from life studies to canvas. 

“Painting from life en plein air is really important to me. Being surrounded by the sights, smells, sounds you feel one with the landscape as you capture the light.”

Thought her artistic career Taylor has travelled the globe tutoring others and exhibiting her own works. Now that she has settled in Sydney it’s time for her to host her first solo exhibition here.

Feb 26 – Mar 10. Bondi Pavilion Gallery, Queen Elizabeth Dr, Bondi Beach. FREE Info:

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