The Sweeney is a fast-paced British action about the special police force known as The Flying Squad (rhyming slang – Sweeney Todd). Their unorthodox practices are well documented and disliked but they always get results.

Based on the UK TV show from the 70s, The Sweeney stars Ray Winstone as Jack Regan, a slovenly, hard-nosed detective who leads his young team with the motto, “act like a criminal to catch a criminal”. The smash-and-nab team are on a roll until an old enemy resurfaces and Regan’s cavalier way of policing begins to catch up with him.

Director Nick Love has made great use of juxtaposing everyday scenes to heighten the tension during graphic sequences of the film, it is a classic technique often used successfully in British flicks. Even better is the soundtrack composed by Lorne Balfe, an apt companion to the no-holds barred, gritty action. (LL) *** 1/2

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