The Pride
Image: Photo: Helen White

Darlinghurst Theatre Company are proud to present the highly anticipated Sydney Premiere of The Pride as part of the 2016 Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras. Brilliantly written by Alexi Kaye Campbell, The Pride is an emotional and poetic reflection on gay identity and sexual liberation, celebrating authenticity, empathy and understanding.

“[The Pride] examines the battles that have been fought within ourselves and with society…what we are as humans and what we can be,” explained Simon London, who plays the part of Philip.

“It’s all about the search for authenticity…it celebrates true connection between people and it really celebrates empathy and understanding of different people and how they feel and what they need.”

The Pride jumps between two parallel love stories – one set in the repressive past, 1958, and the other in the more liberated present day.

“In the 1958 portions of the show these two men, Oliver and Philip, are confronted by society’s denial of their right to be together,” London explained. “[In] the present day, they come up against themselves really, and in different ways in which they can’t help but live their lives.”

Through wicked humour and raw emotion, The Pride will get under your skin, exploring the ever changing attitudes to love and sexuality. After receiving incredible reviews in the UK, this highly topical play is one that will leave the audience talking for days. (NB)

Feb 9–Mar 6. Eternity Playhouse, 39 Burton St, Darlinghurst. $38-$45. Tickets & info:



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