Image: BenT. Photo: Supplied

Darkly entrancing, this remarkable period psychological horror film meticulously details the mental breakdown of two lighthouse keepers serving on a desolate rock island.

Willem Dafoe and Robert Pattinson deliver career enriching performances as the two lost souls who slowly succumb to their isolated existence and alcohol abuse.

Pattinson who selects his film projects wisely since finding fame in the incredibly successful Twilight franchise displays his maturity as an actor and works incredibly well alongside Hollywood favourite Dafoe.

Effectively filmed in black and white the atmospheric cinematography which enhances the unsettling nature of these two macabre and somewhat dehumanised characters, has justifiably earned the film an Oscar nomination.

Disturbing imagery and camera shots which are reminiscent of experimental films from a bygone era, are utilised as a storytelling technique and may pleasantly challenge some audience members whilst predictably perplexing the majority.

Long poetic monologues and dialogue with comedic undertones are welcomingly appropriate in a script that could be envisaged as a theatrical production. (MMo)




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