Swaying Wires – I Left a House Burning

Swaying Wires – I Left a House Burning

Sweet and off kilter, like a child with a knife, these songs come up as if of nothing. Beginning and ending in the same vein, bubbling up for a few minutes and disappearing back into the unseen world within the lines that trace blood through our bodies.

There are dark sides to even the sweetest songs, and here they all are wrapped up together. Connected and separate, lending an uncomfortable feeling to the moment the listener hears the lyrics and a stronger one to the second later when they understand them.

Like a familiar thought that you haven’t had for a while, they are part of the make up of the world, unassuming and unquestionably true. Lovely but with a slight perversity weaving through the soothing melody, leaving the listener newly aware of where they are. (SP)


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