Image: 'Dead or Alive', by Nana Ohnesorge, 2011

Hidden in a corner of Chippendale, Galerie pompom’s tiny white space shelters a sensory wonderland with Stockland. The show is a reminder of the talented artists who were represented in the gallery through the year.

Diversity and innovation are key notes of the exhibition. The visual feast of Nana Ohnesorge’s psychedelic swirl, Dead or Alive, is tempered by the subdued black and white of Izabela Pluta’s pictorial essay Glass, whose simple title camouflages an ocean of insinuation.

The sensuous teasing continues with the angular lines and bold hues of Ron Adams’ pieces which counterpoint the muted pastels of Sarah Mosca’s I dont know, I never know. Permeating the atmosphere like an aural perfume are the soft chimes of Vicky Browne’s The Woman Machine, an object constructed from a turntable, a vinyl record and copper bells.

Overall, Stockland is a Christmas kaleidoscope tinged with the wit and humour which characterises the pompom experience. (LR)

Until Dec 21, Galerie pompom, 2/39 Abercrombie St, Chippendale, free,

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