When you get to Sesame Street, don’t be worried if someone involves you in a song about internet porn. Chances are you’re just around the corner – on Avenue Q. Here the rules are a little bit different, but the approach to the world is practically the same, a fact that puppeteers Gus Murray and Frank Hansen both agree on, “We all grew up on Sesame Street, and with the Muppets, so it’s a familiar scene and style. But what we wanted to do is explore more adult areas of life – things we kind of wish we were prepared for earlier. Yes, it’s a show that’s fun … but what you won’t expect is how touching it is. It does move people, and it does have a real life message. Given these troubling times, Avenue Q comes as such a refreshing experience”. Brought to you by the letter W, for: Well Worth the Watch.  

Aug 9-Sep 6, Theatre Royal, 108 King St, Sydney, $39-89, 9224 8444 or theatreroyal.net.au

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