Oisima: Nicaragua Nights

Oisima: Nicaragua Nights

I have never been to Nicaragua, but I hope this is what it sounds like at night time.

Grovers lament warps brass and voice spilling into the night from a local club, mashing together like the memory of an exciting evening verging on, but not crossing the line, into an uncomfortable dream.

Annabel Weston sings the soundtrack of a week in Nicaragua, the parts that can be recalled in Makes Me Feel Alright. Short snippets call out vivid and colourful, filled with light and brightened by memory and feeling, mixing together so that one begins because another ends.

Piano keys tinkle calm and repetitive against sporadic saxophone, outlining the delicate balance in the music and the places it evokes.

In this album are the reasons to travel, the experience, the sights, sounds and tastes that differ from our regular surroundings. Fill your ears with Oisima’s enticing sounds of Nicaragua Nights and dream of exotic places far from wherever you are.

Star Rating: ***

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