Harrisons – No Fighting in the War Room

Harrisons – No Fighting in the War Room

No Fighting in the War Room ‘ Harrisons


What year is it’ I was wisely advised by a friend that in terms of fashion, if you were there the first time around then you would be wise to avoid it upon its return. In terms of the Eighties, for better or for worse, that applies to me. Harrison, on the other hand may be excused by virtue of their youth. Their taut, post-punk guitars have enough jangle to set them apart from compatriots The Arctic Monkeys, Interpol or The Strokes – and their Northern accents cast us back to the days when Factory Records ruled the British music roost. There is a little of The Jam in the way they bounce ‘ Man of the Hour ‘ enough to wonder if their mod suits are pressed and waiting, and vocalist Adam Taylor does a fair Paul Weller impersonation at times. While the slower numbers change the pace they don’t yet have to chops to maintain interest and its their danceable pop propulsion ‘ Take It to the Mattress ‘ the creates most interest. While there isn’t anything new on No Fighting in the War Room there is a lot to like about these fresh young men – the Harrison’s.

*** ½

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