New Venusians

This album is wisps of cloud surrounding the listener. It is an airy space, with the listener floating inside it. Swirly like a repetitive cyclone, the album lulls the listener’s functioning brainwaves into stasis, covering the listener in a pleasant fog.

Like travellers through light years of space, the listener’s body and mind shut down any unnecessary processes, keeping them alive without ageing until they reach the end of the journey.

Floating in a zero gravity dimension where all is weightless and transparent, the listener has no need for outside things, they have music passing through them, surrounding them with non-threatening vibes. The music transmitted to them through their ears takes up an ever growing space in the brain, atmospheric, defying description and still expanding.

Listeners will awake as if years later, but they may need a second to regain an understanding of their surroundings.


Reviewed by Sarah Pritchard.

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