“Variety is the spice of life,” says Jules Abrahams, guitarist and songwriter for the Melbourne-based band that has been taking the Australian bluegrass scene by storm. Abrahams grew up in the punk rock scene, studied jazz and played in a hip hop band with founding band-mate Nick Keeling before falling into a fondness for bluegrass and the humble mandolin.

Mustered Courage’s eponymous debut was bestowed the ABC Radio Australia title of ‘Album of the Week’ in 2011 and their second album, Powerlines, will test the waters when it’s digitally released on May 10.

With dark undertones derived from personal lyrics, Cruel Alibis, is the first single from the new album; an album Abrahams says makes bluegrass more accessible for a new generation with alternative and indie blends throughout. “This second album was really about us honouring how bluegrass should be played, how it should sound and really proving to the world, and especially the bluegrass scene, that we understand the music and respect the tradition,” he says.

And what of the future Mustered Courage sound? Abrahams says they are open to experimentation, adding, “we’ll always be a bluegrass band, first and foremost.” (KD)

Apr 18, Oxford Art Factory, 38-46 Oxford St, Darlinghurst, $10,

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