Music to Dance To – The Fantastic Terrific Munkle

Music to Dance To – The Fantastic Terrific Munkle

Sydney quartet The Fantastic Terrific Munkle work so well because they’re just plain talented. But I’m sure it also has something to do with their off-beat composure; Julian Curwin on guitar and banjo, Danny Heifetz on drums, Sam Golding on tuba, trumpet and flute, Martin Kay on clarinet. Together they comprise a versatile musical organ, this strange living thing, the monster that got in to your uncle’s collection of jazz 78’s at two in the AM but no-one believed you when you told them. One minute some modern syncopatory swagger, gliding in to some swinging bop, settling a moment on a drum break, then a unison line before gleefully descending into something terribly prog-rock – and that’s just the first song! Elsewhere it’s mariachi, lounge music, gypsy folk, the blues, and more often than not it’s some compelling blend. Truly, The Munkle have the chops and the right set of instruments to cover whatever musical territory they fancy. It’s commendable then that the album runs a scant 37 minutes (rather than self-indulgently fluffing around) and the 14(!) songs come, establish a groove or a mood, feature a player or two briefly and then depart cheekily. Great fun to listen to – and yes, great fun to dance to.


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