MC Kean – Voodoo Reincarnation

MC Kean – Voodoo Reincarnation

When I sit down to listen to a hip-hop record, I don’t usually expect to find myself pondering the universe, and I certainly do not expect to hear trumpets or saxophones. MC Kean’s Voodoo Reincarnation however had that exact effect on me.

Listening through the record multiple times it is hard not to draw comparisons to Australian hip-hop icons Hilltop Hoods in regards to the lyrical content. Musically though, MC Kean draws from his roots and love for classic hip-hop and 70’s soul and funk, hence where the brass instruments come into play.

Voodoo Reincarnation is a record which requires the dedication of time in order to fully comprehend just how cerebral his writing is. Yet at the same time if you jump in and listen to a song here or there they are all incredibly catchy, so this record should prove quite successful on multiple levels. (JA)


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