Malevo – REVIEW

Malevo – REVIEW
Image: MALEVO at Sydney Opera House. Photo: Jordan Munns

You will kick yourself with hard wooden heels if you miss this show; there has not been a fervour like this for a dance ensemble since Riverdance. 

Malevo is 13-piece all-male Argentinian malambo troupe that wowed the judges on America’s Got Talent last year and has since been selling out auditoriums and dropping jaws around the globe. 

MALEVO at Sydney Opera House. Photo: Jordan Munns

Malambo is a traditional folk dance performed by Argentine gauchos (horsemen). It involves intricate leg movements, rhythmic stomping, tapping, and scraping as well as some flamboyant posturing. Think Hollywood tap dancing crossed with flamenco and a bit of Magic Mike thrown into the mix. 

MALEVO at Sydney Opera House. Photo: Jordan Munns

The dashing bakers dozen on stage are dressed (or half-dressed) in tight-fitting black clothes and emitting loads of personality. They also perform the dance barefoot which gives a hushed, dampened feel to the sound. 

As well as dancing, the troupe all play the bombo legüero — a bass drum that is strapped to the body and beaten with two sticks. Together, in perfect sync, they produce complex rhythmic patterns while flipping and clicking their sticks with mind-blowing speed. 

MALEVO at Sydney Opera House. Photo: Jordan Munns

Before you get a chance to take a breath, the performers appear again, individually and in groups, swinging boleadoras with precision movements creating circular patterns while tapping out rhythms on the floor.

It’s very fast paced, high energy, sexy and sassy. 

The music is supplied by a four-piece on-stage band: violin, drums, guitar/drums, accordion. They produce and extraordinarily rich, textured sound and are given two instrumental breaks to show off their individual prowess. 

Created by  by director, choreographer, and dancer Matías Jaime, Malevo is a spectacular show that will leave you breathless. 

Until January 21

Concert Hall, Sydney Opera House

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