Love, Art & Revolution – a new film festival

Love, Art & Revolution – a new film festival

A cohort of activist, creative and cultural groups have joined forces to present a new, inspirational film festival: Love, Art & Revolution, a program of short films and talks that address pressing social justice and environmental issues. 

Four sessions across three days will be held at the brand new 107 Projects venue in South Eveleigh. Featuring 31 short films from this land and from countries around the world, the four sessions of the Love, Art & Revolution Film Festival (LARFF) will each have a distinct theme and include speakers and performers from relevant grassroots community groups. 

The four sessions are: 

Struggle in Action
Thursday 27th April, Opening Night 5.30 – 9pm
Featuring over an hour of short films from this country, eight films from Czech Republic, Spain, Netherlands, Nepal and England. After the ‘Struggle in Action’ films activists will give updates about their struggles. Chair: Isaac Nellist (Green Left), Speakers: Carolyn Veg Ienna (Wirudjuri Nation, Hands Off Glebe, Karyn Brown (Action for Public Housing), Lloukkass Kak, (Retail and Fast Food Workers Union), Aaisha Slee (Blue Mountains Housing campaign). 
Facebook event:

Friday 28th April, 5.30 – 9pm 
Featuring one hour of inspiring short films from this country, Columbia, Brazil, USA and Spain. After the films music from Chilean solidarity band and dancing from Kurdish Youth Sydney. Activists will open discussion with Chair: Ben Radford (Green Left). Speakers: Paula Sanchez (Latin America Social Forum, Socialist Alliance), Tito Scohel (People In Colour), Zanin (Sydney Kurdish Youth Association). 
Facebook event:

People and Planet, before profit
Saturday 29th April, 2 – 5pm 
Featuring over an hour of inspiring short films from this country, Algeria, Germany, South India, Uzbekistan, Turkey. After films activists will give updates current actions. Chair: Rachel Evans (Green Left, Socialist Alliance) Ethan Lyons (a proud, environment activist and queer Wiradjuri student, a key leader in organising student climate strikes in Sydney/Gadigal), Gillian Reffell (Move Beyond Coal). Facebook event:

Smashing Rigid Gender Binaries 
Saturday 29th April, 5.30 – 9pm. 
Feminist and LGBTIQ+ rights films. An hour of short films from this country, and USA, Iran, Brazil, Italy, Chile, Western Kurdistan then activists give updates about their struggles. Chair: Mark Gillespie (1978 activist, long term social LGBTIQ+ and social justice activist), Cris Bernart (Fruits from Brazil), Tina Kord (Iranian solidarity movement). 
Facebook event:

LARFF is paying a $150 screening fee to each filmmaker. A people’s choice award of $200 will also be awarded at each session. 

Entry is free but attendees are encouraged to purchase a raffle ticket at the front door –  the prize is a hamper made up of contributions from the various community groups. 

All proceeds will go to the co-hosting groups. 

Reasonably priced food and drink will be available at the venue. 

April 27 – 29

107 Projects, Level 1, 2 Davy Road, South Eveleigh

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