Jordie Lane – Glassellland

Jordie Lane – Glassellland

There is truth in this album, the kind of truth that lives between the walls, invisible to the eye, threading through the masonry and holding them up.

Organic and earthy, this album is the result of talent and experimentation without fear or design. It lacks nothing for lack of design. Glassellland has substance and whimsical lyrics, unity, and that responding beat in the chest of every listener.

These mini stories reside in a full bottle of tequila and the bellies of friends and new acquaintances sharing a drink, causing happiness and sadness with equal measure.

Listeners will smile and click and let a tear roll from the lashes to the chin before they wipe it away. They will listen and enjoy that bittersweet sad streaked knowledge. They will listen and they will hear the invisible things in the walls. (SP)

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