I’m With Her
Directed by Victoria Midwinter Pitt, I’m With Her presents stories about nine notable Australian women from their 20s to their 90s, including Dr Anne Aly (counter-terrorism expert and Labor MP), Dr Marion Blackwell (environmental scientist), Pam Burridge (world champion surfer), The Hon. Julia Gillard (Australia’s first female prime minister), Prof. Marcia Langton AM (Foundation Chair of Australian Indigenous Studies, University of Melbourne).
Pitt says that “Like millions of women, I found myself really turned inside out by the #MeToo movement and the stories that we all share. But here’s the thing, we have always resisted it, opposed it, and even engaged in counter-attack.”
Pitt says she engaged in “long, long hours talking to each other, thinking about our conversations and then talking some more.” The women were also “good partners” in the final script.
Pitt thinks, “Women should be running the joint. And it’s ridiculous how that statement is going to sound like I’m being outrageous, but the thought is not far-fetched given where, not just Australia, but the world, is heading right now.”
She wants the audience to get “a fresh and startling take on themselves. I want the audience to see how brave and smart they are every day, and to leave the theatre feeling properly dangerous.”
Did she enjoy producing the show?
“I loved it,” she said. “It’s been one of the most inspiring and satisfying projects of my whole career. And my God it’s been fun – these women have the best sense of humour.”
Until Dec 1. Eternity Playhouse, 39 Burton St, Darlinghurst. $46-$59+b.f. Tickets & Info: www.darlinghursttheatre.com
By Irina Dunn