Horse-lovers should be delighted by this insightful documentary which details the remarkable story of a man’s dream to become a professional horseman, and the reputation and respect which he garnered from a doomed horse.

Harry deLeyer, an 85-year-old Dutch immigrant to America, recounts the story of Snowman, a horse destined for the glue factory which he purchased for $80. The horse became a star in post-war years, winning top show-jumping championship titles in the nation.

Known as The Cinderella Horse, this uplifting rags-to-riches story analyses how a former plough-horse beat the best showjumpers in the nation, from obscurity transforming into a phenomenal world-wide hero which led to fan clubs, record book sales and television appearances.

Fascinating interviews with family and friends, vintage photos and home-made films assist in following the horse’s rise to fame and the tragedy that ensued, resulting in the horse’s demise in 1974.

Audiences should be touched by this triumphant and inspirational story which ultimately highlights the love between a man and his horse. (MMo)




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