Image: Belle Brockhoff (Photo: Ari Neubauer; Star Observer)

A delicious four-course meal enhanced by four captivating stories is what to expect when you head to Hakawati at El-Phoenician Restaurant in Parramatta, and Director Wayne Harrison is very excited.

“I get a particular thrill out of creating things that didn’t exist before, and part of the excitement of that is putting it in front of the audience,” he said.

Based on the ancient Middle-Eastern style of storytelling, there are themes of love, status, money and sex as each character takes a seat at your table to deliver a contemporary yet mythical tale not too far from home.

“You shouldn’t be surprised if a fairy godmother appears or a magic lamp is rubbed,” explained Harrison.

The National Theatre of Parramatta has teamed up with the Sydney Festival and local restaurant El-Phoenician to provide this fascinating evening of entertainment where the atmosphere will be full and festive.

“[We have] four exceptional actors who can not only tell stories, but structure stories to keep the audience on the hook,” Harrsion added. (JC)

Jan 12–21, varied performance times. El-Phoenician, 328 Church St, Parramatta. $75 (includes dinner). Tickets & info: www.sydneyfestival.org.au/2017/hakawati 



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