Image: With enough high-wattage cameos to make any fanboy’s heart flutter (William Shatner, Carrie Fisher, Jay and Silent Bob), not to mention the Klingon for, “I'm going to die a virgin,” this is a fun and frivolous ride deep into the heart of dweebiness. (AB)

“Geek culture”: oxymoron or just bunch of morons? Fanboys cashes in on both, as a gaggle of geeks descend upon the George Lucas mansion in order to watch Star Wars: Episode 1 – Phantom Menace ahead of its cinema release (yup, this is set nine years back). Just as doe-faced dork Eric asks of Phantom Menace, “What if the movie sucks?” – so too is the answer irrelevant for Fanboys. With enough high-wattage cameos to make any fanboy’s heart flutter (William Shatner, Carrie Fisher, Jay and Silent Bob to name a few), not to mention the handy Klingon translation of, “I’m going to die a virgin,” this is a fun and frivolous ride deep into the tender heart of dweebiness. 

Released 25th June.

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