As you enter 4A Gallery near Central Station, a flashing screen asks, “Are you sick and tired of being Chinatown-ish?”. So begins Edge of Elsewhere, an exhibition which deals with issues of Sydney’s local community presented by Sydney Festival at Campbelltown Arts Centre and 4A Centre for Contemporary Asian Art. Celebrated artists from all over the Asia-Pacific invited multicultural groups to collaborate and reflect on suburban Sydney. For one, Korean web-art group Young Hae Chang Heavy Industries invited Sydney-siders to learn some basic flash skills and workshop the theme of ‘a future city’. For another, we the audience are invited into an intimate gathering of Baha from Greenacre, and even offered sing-along books to join in. Sometimes satirical and sometimes earnestly engaging, the works are an eye-opening look at our community through the eyes of Asia’s most interesting artists. Buses shuttle between both venues throughout January.

Until Mar 13, Campbelltown Arts Centre, cnr Camden & Appin Rds, Campbelltown, 4645 4100
Until Feb 6, Gallery 4A, 181-187 Hay Street, Haymarket, 9212 0380, edgeofelsewhere.wordpress.com

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