Dean Home: Floating Wine Cups

Dean Home: Floating Wine Cups
Image: The overgrown path: oil on board.

Breathing – for most artists, this would be enough to justify their work and face critique. Dean Home goes much further: visually stunning, his stellar paintings mark the true talent of a genius artist.

In his latest work, Floating Wine Cups, Home reflects his taste for Chinese art, poetry and philosophy.

“I was reading a book on Chinese landscapes. One image of scholars in the Orchid Pavilion struck me – scholars seated beside the stream floating wine cups and poetry downstream one to the other: knowledge and insight floating through the landscape,” explained Home.

Interestingly titled, Home’s exhibition appears to be a deep rooted mix of philosophy and surrealism, inspired by his interpretation of the ideas behind floating wine cups.

“Of course the consumption of wine in Chinese scholarly circles refers to pushing down the barriers to the mind and opening up the mind to new ideas,” he explained.

“To extend the metaphor, it’s possible to see the gallery as that stream and the paintings as the floating wine cups being swapped amongst myself and my friends,’ continued Home.

Exceptionally visual, full of vibrant, bright and rich colours, and impressively realistic to an almost three-dimensional degree, Home’s exhibition is one that should not be missed.

August 13-29. Arthouse Gallery, 66 McLachlan Avenue, Rushcutters Bay. Free. Info:

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