CUSP: Designing into the Next Decade

CUSP: Designing into the Next Decade

CUSP: Designing into the Next Decade makes a welcome return to our shores this month. Seen by over 50,000 people around the country, this travelling national creative program is sure to be an experience that broadens the mind.

The exhibition highlights the works of Floyd Mueller, Greg More, Leah Heiss, Stephen Mushin and Super Critical Mass.

Born out of an aversion to the blinkered shackles of instrumentalists and composers, Super Critical Mass in particular are pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in their arena.

“I myself became a little bit frustrated as ‘just a composer’, feeling like I had to think about my art as only operating on a stage with a set arrangement of the audience, or through radio broadcasts, or through audio recordings,” explained co-director Julian Day.

They will attempt to use design to change the way we listen and will be presenting a one-night-only Sub Mass, questioning our social structure in the process (more details to come).

“To me the hierarchy of the orchestra is very much like the hierarchies in society, you have some people who call the shots [who are] the conductors, you have people that follow, [and] you have people that try to get into social structure and fail – they never pass the audition. You have very delineated roles that you’re meant to take in life.”

They’ve set some objectives and have a left wing solution that might not be for everyone, but it’s sure to be an intriguing spectacle.

“What we’re trying to do is address those given hierarchies and flatten them all out and, through sound, create a different kind of social grouping where everyone has equal input.” (AH)

Jan 30–Apr 28. Tues–Fri, 11am-4pm. Australian Design Centre, 101-115 William Street, Darlinghurst. Free. Info: or



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