Throwing a curve ball into fancy-pantsy, boys-only art circles the world over is the annual all-girl art book, Curvy. Unleashed like a swarm of sketch-mad bees by the creative cats over at Yen Magazine, it has build quite a reputation for showcasing the foremost female artistes (like the super-cute French madamoiselle Fafi in 2007) as well as giving a leg-up to other aspiring talents. And this year is no exception, with 120 artists from 39 countries strutting their stuff on the page as well as on the stage, with a select few being shown at Mori Gallery in the city. Keep an eye out for a piece by The Grates’ Patience Hodgson (proving there’s nothing that girl can’t do), while other ladies like Kareena Zerefos, Alana Corra, Candybird and many more continue to put the ill in illustration. Try and catch up, fellas …

Until April 17. Mori Gallery, 168 Day St Sydney. Book available for $35 at

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