
Jim Jeffries is like that drunken uncle who takes you aside at family functions to get you pissed and share filthy jokes, then calls your mum an uptight bitch when she slaps him about the head for being a dirty perve. Only he’s probably not even really your uncle – he just wandered in off the street when he saw free beer and bored underage girls.

Is that a bit harsh? Maybe, but it’s hard to go easy on a man whose favourite stories involve burn victims, spastics, telling pandas to get fucked and sticking vibrating eggs up his arse. He’ll definitely get you laughing, but you might also want to vomit or punch him in the face.

Apparently I’m not alone in thinking this, as Jeffries was actually punched out on stage in Manchester last year. This spectacular bit of biffo only added to his popularity however, with 11 million people looking up the video on youtube.

Jeffries hails from Sydney but he left to forge a career 10 years ago and hasn’t actually ever performed in Australia until now. He has his own sitcom going to air on the Paramount Channel in London this August, and just finished filming a one-hour special for HBO. He’s even been shortlisted for the new Chris Rock film. Who knew?

To give credit where it’s due, Jeffries succeeds impressively with jokes that most comedians wouldn’t touch, and his brash, confrontational style has made him one of the most sought after comics on the world stage.

Until March 28. Comedy Store, The Entertainment Quarter, Moore Park. $10-$30, 9357

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