Caligula’s Horse – Bloom

Caligula’s Horse – Bloom

Bloom is absolutely the perfect title for the latest record by Brisbane rockers Caligula’s Horse. As you hear it sprout from a little seed, you are quickly immersed into a forest of exquisite progressive rock songs.

Throughout the record, the band and vocals work in conjunction perfectly to create a mysterious, dark, emotional atmosphere––Caligula’s Horse have done something that every record attempts to to do, but others often cannot strike the right balance.

The vocal performance by Jim Grey is truly special throughout, exploring his full vocal range without ever appearing to overstretch. Grey is also unabashed when it comes to being the centre piece where necessary, which certainly helps the group maintain a balance between vocals and musical accompaniment.

This album is an all round experience from start to finish that is best appreciated when listened to from cover to cover, in order to enjoying its full blooming beauty. (JA)

Rating: ****

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