Black Sea

Black Sea

The motley crew of a run-down submarine embark on a perilous mission to salvage Nazi gold from the depths of the Black Sea in this taut, high-stakes thriller from director Kevin MacDonald.

Greed, superstition and lingering Cold War paranoia quickly breed disharmony aboard the claustrophobic vessel, but it’s the captain’s wounded pride that poses the greatest danger. Estranged from his family and laid off from work, he has a chip on his shoulder and a score to settle.

Sporting a thick Scottish accent and a burly physique, Jude Law tempers earnestness with blue-collar machismo in the film’s central role, which rates amongst his best performances. Unfortunately, despite strong turns from Law’s co-stars, the ship’s crew – a broadly sketched mob – aren’t nearly as compelling as its captain.

Black Sea is an entertaining boys’ own adventure with a refreshing sense of social realism. (JH) ***½

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