Battle of the bay hots up

Battle of the bay hots up

It’s on again – after defeating plans for a super marina in Elizabeth Bay ten years ago, Baysiders are up-in-arms about another such proposal they say is being sneaked through by the big end of town, with little or no reference to locals.

Residents have set up a website opposing the proposal which they believe could charge for mooring 50 boats on a 100m jetty. They have found information difficult to source but rumour had it that developer Peter Fitzhenry, part-owner of the current small boatshed off Beare Park, had been granted Owner’s Consent by NSW Maritime to lodge a development application, which he was pushing to have considered by the Department of Planning under the unpopular Part 3A rules which allow projects “of state significance” to be taken from local and Council jurisdiction.

Local Member Clover Moore asked questions in Parliament which confirm the granting of Owner’s Consent.

“The application is expected to be submitted to the Department of Planning under Part 3A, providing little opportunity for community consultation,” she said.

The Save Elizabeth Bay website says: “According to NSW Maritime Peter Fitzhenry was appointed a member of the Maritime Ministerial Advisory Council in December 2007.”  A comment on the site  claims “reliable information” that ex-PM Paul Keating, another local, supports the project, and names other prominent Labor Party figures. However these claims are unconfirmed.

The developers have reportedly claimed the proposed marina is much smaller than the previous proposal in 2000, and point out that there are already 50 boats moored in the Bay, mostly on swing moorings. Locals say the marina would attract two and three-storey boats which would obscure the present open vista of the bay from the recently renovated Beare Park. They also fear worse traffic congestion in streets already so narrow and parked-in that the STA recently removed the loop from its 311 bus route.

Government policy has been to minimise foreshore development and apply strict criteria to any applications. However in recent years the state government has watered down the regulations in the name of “reducing red tape”, making it easier for developers to have their way.

The residents have announced a public meeting at the Rex Centre, Kings Cross at 6.30pm on 12 May. They have seconded former Liberal Mayor of Woollahra, Keri Huxley, to spearhead the protest. The website is at

by Michael Gormly

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